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Work Experience

December 2023  

June 2022 -


October 2019 -
November 2024

September 2016 -
May 2019

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Following a four-year stint in disaster recovery, I shifted into the world of gambling. I am now the Director of Marketing and Public Relations at the Virgin Islands Lottery overseeing the marketing operations from ticket design and generation to advertising and philanthropic giving. In addition, I continue to manage the communication output and serve as the spokesperson for the agency. Plans are underway to develop a mobile application and redesign the website to capture a new target audience by introducing electronic tendering which will increase sales. 

With my increased visibility and thought leadership in public relations, I decided it was time to start a business to provide supplemental income. I was approached on several occasions to assist individuals and organizations with social and digital media strategies, website content, and branding. Muller Media Group is now the place where I continue to be of service. I am the Public Relations Principal and I'm open to new clients! My availability hovers around 50% but my approach is to educate so I leave clients with the ability to self-sustain.

As Communications Manager at the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority, I managed the internal and external communication efforts of the Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery. Funds were appropriated by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act in 2019, and administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, following the passage of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. 


I worked alongside program staff and a chief disaster recovery officer to ensure compliance with federal mandates and the timely release of information to the public and stakeholders. As projects moved from development to implementation, I facilitated ground-breaking events, ribbon-cuttings, and tours from HUD and FEMA officials. 


Day-to-day, I took a lead role in managing website and social media content and served as the point of contact for a contracted public relations and marketing firm. Notably during my employment, I was a key member of the team that worked on the agency's rebrand which included a redesign of its logo and website.

I started as a Public Relations Specialist with the Virgin Islands Department of Education in 2016 with a few responsibilities. I wrote articles for the student quarterly magazine, coordinated coverage for the monthly update television show, Hall Pass, posted and managed content for social media and the website, and covered newsworthy events for students, faculty, and administration. My employment was on the state level but I provided public relations support to the two-island districts, St. Croix and St. Thomas-St. John.


My work was consistent and satisfactory and less than nine months on the job I was promoted to Director of Public Relations, effective August 2017. One month after the start of my new job, the territory was hit with Hurricanes Irma and Maria, two weeks apart. I volunteered in the Joint Information Center of the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency to provide communication support of the rescue and recovery efforts across the territory. This involved using the only methods of communication available, the radio, and facilitating national media tours with reporters covering the devastation. 


Months later I returned to my director duties at VIDE where I was supported the unprecedented task of assisting, in my capacity as PR Director, with rebuilding the public education infrastructure and communicating those efforts to parents, students and the community at large. 

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